Clubs and Organizations

Participating in Converse’s many clubs and organizations is a great way to make new friends, learn new skills, and to effect positive change in our community. Our student organizations evolve from year to year. You even have the opportunity to start your own club or organization.
See a sampling of the many clubs, groups, and academic honor societies in which Converse students have participated below.
Student Organizations
Ally Club
Alpha Lambda Delta (ALD)
Alpha Psi Omega
Art Society
Baptist Collegiate Ministry (BCM)
Black Student Union
Business Club
Civitas Council
Converse Coven
Converse Activities Board (CAB)
Converse Disabilities Awareness Committee (CDAC)
Converse Radio (CORA)
Dance Team
Day Student Association
Delta Omicron
Empowerment, Rights, and Advocacy (ERA)
Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA)
Hispanic Organization for Latinx Awareness (HOLA)
Honor Board
International Student Organization (ISO)
Manga Anime Si-Fi Comic – MASC
Math Club
Model Programs
Mortar Board
Newman Club
Omicron Delta Kappa (ODK)
Palmetto Players
Student Athletic Advisory Committee (SAAC)
Tri Beta
Valkyrie’s Club
Y’s and Other Y’s
Life @ Converse
Your journey outside the classroom.